I am going to do a review of every page, it is probably best that you get the magazine in another tab so you know what page i am talking about. (click here to go to Trendy magazine).

Page 1 (cover) - I have to admit, i really do like this graphic. I love magazines with themes and a cover to show the good quality that is good inside and this has a theme and a good quality cover, so i love it! Ahaha. The lights look really good and i can't see any major faults. I also think the dress looks good with all the line details.
Page 2 - This has a little note from the editor, nothing really interesting. Has she done that drawing on the left herself or got it off google images? I really don't know.

Page 3 - The graphic is alright. Not quite sure what that thing is on the left of the bag and there seems to be a bulge on the right side. Not quite sure if that was done on purpose or what. Also there is a slight fault with the right foot making it look slightly weird.
Page 4 - Just a random page saying what is coming in the next pages.
Page 5+6 - I really like these pages with just enough text to describe what you are talking about but not too much that you can't be bothered reading it. I also like the real life picture examples but maybe they could of put a stardoll example as well.

Page 7+8 - Love the layout of this page but the text is a tad small. You have to squint to read it. I love the outfits shown on the page, they look really effective. I think that on page 8 they should have titled the trends like they did on Page 7.
Page 9 - I like this graphic. Instead of focusing o the outfit it focuses on the make-up (which is understandable because the next pages are on make-up tutorials). I like the shading and think overall it is a nice page.

Page 10 - The background and layout look particularly good on this page. The make-up tutorial looks nice too. I think this is one of the best pictures.
Page 11 - To be honest, i'm not a big fan of this graphic. There is just something about it that doesn't appeal to me. I'm not sure if this is just me.

Page 12 - I love this graphic, although i would prefer the dress to be tighter. I do really like the black and white though, with just the streak of red at the side.
Page 13 - I think this is the worst graphic in the magazine to be honest. The girl looks really ill and
the dress doesn't look right. I don't think that the line under the eyes were necessary.

Page 14 - Omg! I want that hair on stardoll! I love it. The clothes on the model are gorgeous but i just noticed something, on the box in the bottom left corner she has missed out the 'r' in 'Alexander'.
Page 15 - This might be a page to introduce the next pages or just a random page saying designers. There is some little graphics on this page that you can't really see properly but they look alright and i like the backgtound.
Page 16 + 17 - These pages say the story of Burberry. Due to the font, sometimes you can't read some words but i am glad they they have included some writing because there is hardly any throughout the magazine.
Page 18 - This is a good graphic, it really represents Burberry. The belt doesn't look that realistic but apart from that, i like it.

Page 19 - This is a good way to end the magazine with a simple 'Happy New Year'. Overall, i think this magazine is really good but i think the theme of the new year should have been right the way through the magazine with just some exceptions but Trendy magazine is probably better than most other magazines. Well done!
Till next time... Goodbye!
- thumb up -
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best Stardoll magazines I've seen in awhile, and I've seen quite a few. Don't discount this one.